Cube of Expression

Cube of Expression is a performance at Red’s Applications class, ITP, NYU, New York November 30, 2010 By Min Jung Kim, Valentina Camancho, Eszter Ozsvald & Yonatan Ben-Simhon Four persons create an individual art-pieces of a nude body on the different planes; by the end of the show one realizes that the unique performances become even more powerful as a whole.

Starts with a lighten-up big white cube (6 feet x 6 feet x 6 feet) placed on the middle of the stage. When the music begins Min walks into to the stage and starts painting on the front side of the cube with traditional korean ink; a naked person, Yoni. She leaves when the music ends. With the support of Eszter she rotates the cube 90 degrees. Valentina starts projecting on the “new” side of the cube. She creates a photoshop collage using Yoni’s photos. When she finishes, Eszter replaces her while Min and Valentina rotate the cube once more. Eszter presents a live-coding visualization made in fluxus introducing Yoni’s bared body. Until now the art-pieces are supported by three different music picked so that they correlate with the flow of the individual self-expressions.

When Eszter finishes her part, the group flips the cube and Yoni steps out (almost) naked, reading a letter to the audience. With his words he brings the audience into an intimate space; it is a monologue/ self questioning of what it means to be accepted, being in a place where everything is new and nothing is stable.